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Glidden Porch & Floor Grab-N-Go Interior/ Exterior Paint + Primer, Dark Gray, 1 Gallon, Satin
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Glidden Porch & Floor Grab-N-Go Interior/ Exterior Paint + Primer, Dark Gray, 1 Gallon, Satin

Product ID: 456579898
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Glidden® Porch & Floor Grab-N-Go Interior/Exterior Paint + Primer is designed to enhance your wood and concrete surfaces. Use on floors, steps and railings or properly prepared horizontal masonry, wood and metal substrates. Unlike other interior or exterior paint, is specifically formulated for vertical surfaces. Glidden® Porch & Floor is ideal for use on properly prepared new or previously painted wood, incidental metal, and aged concrete basement floors, patios, breezeways, decks, steps, and porches.Area Preparation: Surfaces to be coated must be dry, clean, sound, and free from all contamination including loose and peeling paint, dirt, grease, oil, wax, concrete curing agents and bond breakers, chalk, efflorescence, mildew, rust, product fines, and dust. Remove loose paint, chalk, and efflorescence by wire brushing, scraping, sanding, or pressure washing. Putty all nail holes and caulk all cracks and open seams. Sand all glossy, rough, and patched surfaces. Feather back all rough edges to sound surface by sanding. Masonry and plaster surfaces must be allowed to cure for 30 days prior to painting. Uncoated substrates, repaired surfaces or lightly stained areas may require additional coats. For severe stains, water marks, and other challenging conditions use the appropriate primer. Coverage figures do not include loss due to surface irregularities and porosity or material loss due to application method or mixing. Some colors, drastic color changes, or porous substrates may require more than one coat to achieve a uniform finish. Ready-mixed paint, available in light gray, dark gray and brown Highly durable finish Resists scratches and scuffs Glidden paint and primer has excellent color retention Easy application Fast drying: To touch 2 to 4 hours, to recoat 8 hours

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

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Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

3 days ago

Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago