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Centuary Mattresses Beddy Nest Crib Cot Natural Baby Child Coir Latex Mattress (140 * 70 * 10 cm)
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Centuary Mattresses Beddy Nest Crib Cot Natural Baby Child Coir Latex Mattress (140 * 70 * 10 cm)

Product ID: 392181694
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Natural Mattress- Beddy Nest is 100% Natural! Made from Rubberised coir and Natural Latex that are both Certified to be “Free from Harmful Chemicals” for babies, by Oeko Tex, Germany, the mattress is hypoallergenic, breathable and skin friendly. It comes with 2 covers- 1 cotton and another waterproof, washable zipped cover- to ensure 100% hygiene. As per leading paediatric associations, a baby’s mattress should always be firm to avoid SIDS. Beddy Nest is designed to be firm, and support your baby’s spine and back optimally. Beddy Nest is made from Natural Latex and Rubberised coir that are certified to be “Free from harmful chemicals” and safe for babies. Hypoallergenic and Skin friendly- The natural and skin friendly core materials and cotton cover keep the mattress temperature regulated and are delicate on your newborn’s skin. Beddy nest comes with a Free Zipped, Washable Waterproof cover- Beddy protect. This ensures that your baby’s mattress remains hygienic. Beddy comes from the house of Centuary Mattress- known for its 30+ years experience in mattress industry, consistent quality and trust. Use of advanced materials and intelligent construction as per global benchmarks, produced at high class manufacturing plants in India. Use of Natural and breathable materials makes Beddy Nest hygienic, pest-free and keeps the mattress temperature regulated. The quilt of Beddy Nest embeds anti microbial properties, and is resistant to bacteria, Fungi.

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Perfect platform for hard-to-find items. Delivery was prompt.

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Suresh K.

Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

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