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2/Pack Solid Carbide Drill Bit for Hardened Steel Hard Ness HRa 91.3 Aerospace Standard K20 Tungsten Carbide Jobber Length Twist Drill for Metal 118 Degree Four Facet Point Fractional Size (5/32")
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2/Pack Solid Carbide Drill Bit for Hardened Steel Hard Ness HRa 91.3 Aerospace Standard K20 Tungsten Carbide Jobber Length Twist Drill for Metal 118 Degree Four Facet Point Fractional Size (5/32")

Product ID: 172278998
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★【2 / Pack】 ✔ Drill Size: 5/32 inch✔ Flute Length: 1-3/8 inch ✔ Overall Length: 2-1/2 inch⚠【IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU BUY】⚠① Tungsten carbide or cemented carbide is a composite material, although it looks like a metal, it is a composite of Tungsten carbide powder mixed with cobalt as a binder metal and the resulting material is more like a ceramic than a metal. ② It is a very hard material being a 9 on the Mohs scale where diamond is a 10, quartz a 7 and hard steel around 4.5. Due to its hardness, it will chew down into most anything But that hardness makes them brittle on side load with virtually no plastic deformation before failure. ③ Any movement while drilling can result in a broken bit. These drills like a rigid drilling setup like a drill press or a machining center, they do not like hand drills. ④ You can use them in a hand held drill but you have to make sure not to misalign the drill, the drill must be perfectly square for the whole operation.Mars-Tool Solid Carbide Drill Bits are very different from carbide tipped drill bits. Solid carbide drill bits are much more effective in deep holes, can go through hardened steel, have much better heat tolerance and can be sharpened many times (diamond stone is required to sharpen tungsten carbide)

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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